Results for 'Amaryll Beatrice Chanady'

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  1. Between the Plural 'Us' and the Excluded 'Other': Autochthons and Ethnic Groups in the Americas.Amaryll Chanady - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (170):93-108.
    Tsvetan Todorov, in his book Us and Them. French Thinking on Human Diversity, asked the following question: “How does one, how should one relate to those who do not belong to the same community as we do?” This question has been posed somewhat differently by intellectuals of the Americas anxious to develop paradigms of identity that will contribute to the successful construction of a society whose aim is to integrate heterogeneous ethnic groups: “How does one, how should one relate to (...)
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  2. Abduction and narrative invention: The latest avatar of Peirce's 'guessing instinct'.Amaryll Chanady - 1991 - Semiotica 84:101-112.
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    La Discorde antillaise: Contemporary Debates in Caribbean Criticism J. Michael Dash,The Other America: Caribbean Literature in a New World Context, xii + 197 pp. Kathleen M. Balutansky and Marie-Agnès Sourieau ,Caribbean Creolization. Reflections on the Cultural Dynamics of Language, Literature, and Identity, viii + 192 pp. Amaryll Chanady,Entre inclusion et exclusion: La Symbolisation de l'autre dans les Amériques, 385 pp. Chris Bongie,Islands and Exiles. The Creole Identities of Post/Colonial Literature, vi + 543 pp. H. Adlai Murdoch,Creole Identity in the French Caribbean Novel, xi + 290 pp. [REVIEW]Martin Munro - 2001 - Paragraph 24 (3):117-127.
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  4. .Béatrice Longuenesse - unknown
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    The Philosophy of the Few against the Christians: An Inquiry into the Textual Transmission of Porphyry’s Philosophy according to the Chaldean Oracles.Pier Franco Beatrice - 2023 - Boston: BRILL.
    This book provides a rediscovery of one of the most influential philosophical and religious works of Late Antiquity.
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  6. L'esclave heureux.Beatrice Magni - 2007 - In Yves Charles Zarka & Christian Delacampagne (eds.), Critique des nouvelles servitudes. Paris: Presses universitaires de France. pp. 33--57.
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    I, Me, Mine: Back to Kant, and Back Again.Béatrice Longuenesse - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Béatrice Longuenesse presents an original exploration of our understanding of ourselves and the way we talk about ourselves. In the first part of the book she discusses contemporary analyses of our use of 'I' in language and thought, and compares them to Kant's account of self-consciousness, especially the type of self-consciousness expressed in the proposition 'I think.' According to many contemporary philosophers, necessarily, any instance of our use of 'I' is backed by our consciousness of our own body. For Kant, (...)
  8. Kant and the Capacity to Judge: Sensibility and Discursivity in the Transcendental Analytic of the Critique of Pure Reason.Béatrice Longuenesse - 1998 - Princeton University Press.
    "Kant and the Capacity to Judge" will prove to be an important and influential event in Kant studies and in philosophy.
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  9. The Fable of the Bees: proles sine matre?Béatrice Guion - 2015 - In Edmundo Balsemão Pires & Joaquim Braga (eds.), Bernard de Mandeville's Tropology of Paradoxes: Morals, Politics, Economics, and Therapy. Berlin/New York: Springer International Publishing.
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  10. De différentes manières de se rapporter à soi.Béatrice Longuenesse - 2010 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 68 (4):419-434.
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    Philosophical Interrogations: Interrogations of Martin Buber, John Wild, Jean Wahl, Brand Blanshard, Paul Weiss, Charles Hartshorne, Paul Tillich.Beatrice K. Rome - 1964 - Harper & Row.
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  12. Mahayana Buddhism, Third edition.Beatrice Lane Suzuki, D. T. Suzuki & Chr Humphreys - 1959 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 21 (3):534-534.
  13. Philo of Alexandria and the transitory and Apophatic dimensions of knowing oneself.Beatrice Wyss - 2023 - In Ole Jakob Filtvedt & Jens Schröter (eds.), Know yourself: echoes and interpretations of the Delphic maxim in ancient Judaism, Christianity, and philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    The controversy between St. Thomas and the Latin Averroists on the problem of providence.Beatrice H. Zedler - unknown
  15. Hegel's critique of metaphysics.Béatrice Longuenesse - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel's Science of Logic has received less attention than his Phenomenology of Spirit, but Hegel himself took it to be his highest philosophical achievement and the backbone of his system. The present book focuses on this most difficult of Hegel’s published works. Béatrice Longuenesse offers a close analysis of core issues, including discussions of what Hegel means by ‘dialectical logic’, the role and meaning of ‘contradiction’ in Hegel’s philosophy, and Hegel’s justification for the provocative statement that ‘what is actual is (...)
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    Comments by John and Beatrice Blyth Whiting.Beatrice Blyth Whiting - 1999 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 27 (1):4-6.
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  17. Hegel's Critique of Metaphysics.Béatrice Longuenesse & Nicole J. Simek - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (4):772-773.
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    L'effectivité dans la Logique de Hegel.Béatrice Longuenesse - 1982 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 87 (4):495 - 503.
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  19. Catherine EAGLETON, Monks, manuscripts and sundials: The navicula in medieval England.Bakhouche Béatrice - 2013 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 66 (1):215-217.
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  20. Arguments in favor of a religious coping pattern in terminally ill patients.Ioan Beatrice, Iov Cătălin, Dumitraș Silvia, Roman Gabriel, Moisa Ştefana Maria, Enache Mariana, Pârvu Andrada, Gramma Rodica & Chirita Radu - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (31):88-112.
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  21. Historical Semantics and Cognition.Warren Beatrice - 1999
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    Ad aliquid: la relation chez Guillaume d'Occam.Beatrice Beretta - 1999 - Fribourg, Suisse: Saint-Paul.
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  23. The Reality and Value of the World in the Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo.Beatrice Bruteau - 1969 - Dissertation, Fordham University
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    Medical discoveries.Beatrice Kavanaugh - 2017 - Broomall, Pennsylvania: Mason Crest.
    Medical science is advancing all the time. Researchers are constantly trying to find new ways to help people to have long and healthy lives. Thanks to their work, doctors today can cure diseases, lessen pain, replace unhealthy limbs or organs, and help infertile couples have children. Doctors can even keep seriously ill people alive against all odds. But not everyone is enamored with advances in medicine. They question whether it is appropriate to prolong life in all cases, or believe that (...)
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  25. Olimpiodoro di Tesbe.Beatrice Mugelli - 2000 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 21:103-118.
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    Proponents of limited monarchy in sixteenth century France: Francis Hotman and Jean Bodin.Beatrice Reynolds - 1931 - New York,: AMS Press.
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    John O. Riedl 1905-1992.Beatrice H. Zedler - 1992 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 65 (7):35 -.
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    Royce and James on Psychical Research.Beatrice H. Zedler - 1974 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 10 (4):235 - 252.
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    Sophisten in Hellenismus und Kaiserzeit: Orte, Methoden und Personen der Bildungsvermittlung.Beatrice Wyss, Rainer Hirsch-Luipold & Solmeng-Jonas Hirschi (eds.) - 2017 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Der Forschung gelaufig ist die Rede von einer ersten (5./4. Jh. v. Chr.) und der sog. Zweiten Sophistik (2. Jh. n. Chr). Aber auch die Literatur des Hellenismus und der fruhen Kaiserzeit kennt zahlreiche Sophisten. Der Sophist, verstanden als (schlechter) Lehrer und Redner, Gegenspieler des Philosophen oder Vertreter der griechischen Bildung, bildet deshalb den Dreh-und Angelpunkt der Beitrage, die Schlaglichter auf Orte, Methoden und Personen der Bildungsvermittlung werfen. Die Beitrage zeigen, wie pagane und judische Denker, Platoniker und Stoiker Bildung als (...)
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    Culture and Social Behavior: A Model for the Development of Social Behavior.Beatrice Blyth Whiting - 1980 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 8 (2):95-116.
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    Evolution toward divinity: Teilhard de Chardin and the Hindu traditions.Beatrice Bruteau - 1974 - Wheaton, Ill.,: Theosophical Pub. House.
  32. Ethics of the Other.Beatrice Hanssen - 2000 - In Marjorie B. Garber, Beatrice Hanssen & Rebecca L. Walkowitz (eds.), The turn to ethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 127--79.
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  33. Stumpfe and Lotze on space, reality and relation.Beatrice Centi - 2011 - In G.-J. Boudewijnse & S. Bonacchi (eds.), Carl Stumpf: From philosophical reflection to interdisciplinary scientific investigation. Wien: Krammer.
  34. Hegel et la critique de la métaphysique. Etude sur la Doctrine de l'Essence Bibliothéque d'histoire de la philosophie.Béatrice Longuenesse - 1986 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 91 (2):266-267.
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  35. Of different ways to relate to oneself.Béatrice Longuenesse - 2010 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 68 (4):19-31.
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    (1 other version)Laws of thought, knowledge and lexical change.Beatrice Warren - 1999 - In Warren Beatrice (ed.), Historical Semantics and Cognition.
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  37. Sciences du centre et sciences de la périphérie: de la représentation sociale de la hiérarchisation des champs disciplinaires.Béatrice Bonfils - 1991 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 38 (91):371-383.
  38. La storia della filosofia "come problema" nel pensiero di Wilhelm Wundt e Ernst Cassirer.Beatrice Centi - 1988 - In Paolo Cristofolini (ed.), La storia della filosofia come problema: seminario 1985-1987. Pisa: Scuola normale superiore.
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    War: a genealogy of western ideas and practices.Beatrice Heuser - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    War has been conceptualised from a military perspective, but also from ethical, legal, and philosophical viewpoints. These different analytical perspectives are all necessary to understand the many dimensions war, the continua on which war is situated - from small-scale to large-scale, from limited in time or long, from less to extremely destructive, with varying aims, and degrees of involvement of populations. Western civilisations have conceptualised war in binary ways denying the variety of manifestations of war along these continua. While binary (...)
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    Location analysis of DNA‐bound proteins at the whole‐genome level: untangling transcriptional regulatory networks.Béatrice Nal, Elodie Mohr & Pierre Ferrier - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (6):473-476.
    In this post‐sequencing era, geneticists can focus on functional genomics on a much larger scale than ever before. One goal is the discovery and elucidation of the intricate genetic networks that co‐ordinate transcriptional activation in different regulatory circuitries. High‐throughput gene expression measurement using DNA arrays has thus become routine strategy. This approach, however, does not directly identify gene loci that belong to the same regulatory group; e.g., those that are bound by a common (set of) transcription factor(s). Working in yeast, (...)
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    How philosophy begins.Beatrice Hope Zedler - 1983 - Milwaukee: Marquette University Press.
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  42. Problem : Averroes on the Possible Intellect.Beatrice H. Zedler - 1951 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 25:164.
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  43. Conversations on a Probable Future: Interview with Beatrice Fazi.Marta Arniani & M. Beatrice Fazi - 2019 - In A Better Place: Towards a Collective Intelligence For Europe. Brussels: NGI Move Consortium. pp. 40-44.
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    «The Matter Present in Sensibles but not qua Sensibles». Aristotle’s Account of Intelligible Matter as the Matter of Mathematical Objects.Beatrice Michetti - 2022 - Méthexis 34 (1):42-70.
    Aristotle explicitly speaks of intelligible matter in three passages only, all from theMetaphysics, in the context of the analysis of definition as the formula that expresses the essence:Metaph.Z10, 1036 a8-11;Metaph.Z11, 1037 a5;Metaph.H6, 1045 a34-36 and 45 b1. In the case of the occurrences of Z10 and Z11, there is almost unanimous consensus that Aristotle uses the expression in a technical way, to indicate the matter of that particular type of objects that are intelligible compounds, of which mathematical objects are paradigmatic (...)
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  45. A model of conversational positioning in collaborative design dialogues.Béatrice Cahour & Lyn Pemberton - 2001 - AI and Society 15 (4):344-358.
    This paper presents findings from a linguistic and psycho-social analysis of nine design dialogues which sets out to investigate the interweaving of transactional and interpersonal threads in collaborative work. We sketch a model of the participants' positioning towards their own or their partner's design proposals, from association to dissociation towards the proposals, together with the conversational cues which indicate this positioning. Our aim is to integrate the role of interpersonal relationships into the study of co-operation, to stress the importance of (...)
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  46. Kant's 'I' and Freud's Ego.Béatrice Longuenesse - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter.
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    Aspects of Universal Algebra in Combinatory Logic.Beatrice Amrhein - 1994 - In Erwin Engeler (ed.), The combinatory programme. Boston: Birkhäuser. pp. 31--45.
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    A contribution to the study of the moral practices of certain social groups in ancient Mesopotamia.Beatrice Allard Brooks - 1921 - Leipzig,: printed by W. Drugulin.
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    Relations, Quasi-Assumptions and Material Aprioris: Reality and Values in Brentano, Meinong, Husserl.Beatrice Centi - 2009 - In W. Huemer & B. Centi (eds.), Value and Ontology. Ontos-Verlag. pp. 12-45.
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    Tra corpo e mente: questioni di confine.Beatrice Centi & Anna Donise (eds.) - 2016 - Firenze: Le lettere.
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